Hybrid App Development

“Web, or native, or hybrid apps?”

If you find yourself surrounded by the dilemma of which app is best for you, then this is the right place for it.This beginner’s guide gives a glimpse into whether you should choose web, hybrid, or react native app development services and why.

Let’s get started!

Choosing the right app for your brand – Web v/s Native v/s Hybrid

1. Native Apps: –

Simply put, a Native mobile application is a software program developed using platform-specific programming language (Swift, Objective-C, etc.) to run on a particular mobile operating system (Android, iOS, etc.)

Native apps operate from separate codebases, using platform-specific APIs/frameworks. This means that Native Android apps can’t run smoothly on iOS or Windows and vice-versa.

Since writing different codes for multiple platforms to run the same app can be complex, acquiring native app development services is a savvier choice.

Advantages of Native applications:

  • It’s easy to install and download native apps on your smartphones via Google Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS).
  • Native apps are known for high-end performance.
  • They offer a fast and responsive UI.
  • Native apps support offline functionality via system notification.
  • Less hardware dependency resulting in easier coding.


  • Native apps are platform-specific, i.e., they lack cross-platform compatibility.
  • Not suited to small-to-medium scale enterprises due to high development costs.
  • Updating and maintenance is complex.

Native app development services provide access to dedicated development tools, SDKs, and the best UI elements.

2. Web Apps: –

Web applications, unlike native apps, don’t need to be downloaded and do not use any memory space on the user’s device. Thes apps can be accessed on your desktop, PC, or mobile device via a connected web browser (Safari, Edge, Chrome, etc.).

The key distinction between a web application and a regular website depends on user intent. For instance, a website’s intent is usually information-oriented, while a web app supports additional functionality and interoperability.

Still, at their core, web apps and websites fulfill the same purpose.

Note that users can only interact with web app functionalities supported by their web browser. Hence, while some web apps have rich UI elements, they can’t tap into the device’s features.

Advantages of web applications:

  • Can run on multiple devices, independent of the operating system (Android + iOS).
  • Platform independent (i.e. can be accessed via smartphones, laptops, iPads, etc.)
  • Faster, simpler, and cost-effective development cycle.
  • Web apps are always running on the latest version, since they’re hosted on a server.


  • Inconsistent user experience due to browser dependency and internet connection.
  • Inability to access native device features.
  • Lack of a software development kit (SDK) to work with.

3. Hybrid Apps: –

So, what’s special about hiring a Hybrid app development company?

It’s all in the name. Combine the components of native and web apps and you get a hybrid environment.

Therefore, the web content of a hybrid app is encapsulated within a native container, which acts as a bridge between the web code and the device’s in-built functionalities.

Developers love hybrid apps due to a single codebase, which can be implemented to significantly reduce development time and costs.

More companies are seeking the services of a hybrid app development company to strike perfect balance between performance and cross-platform compatibility


  • Hybrid apps support cross-platform functionality, i.e. Android, iOS, iPad, MacBook, etc.
  • A single codebase makes the development cycle faster, cheaper, and less complex.
  • Native device accessibility (camera, contacts, etc.) for enhanced user experience.
  • Hybrid apps have offline functionality (by caching web assets locally).
  • Easier maintenance and debugging (since the core logic is hosted on the web server).


  • Third-party dependence and need a wrapper.
  • Not suited for graphics-heavy applications.
  • Limited customizations compared to native apps.

Note that many of the issues of web and native apps can be addressed by partnering with a reputed hybrid app development company.

In Summary: –

Here’s what we have learned so far:

FeaturesWeb AppsNative AppsHybrid Apps
LanguageCSS, JavaScript, HTML5 (primarily)Swift, Kotlin, and other platform-specific languagesCombination of web and native languages (HTML, JS, CSS, Swift, etc.)
PerformanceLow to Medium (due to browser rendering)High to OptimalMedium to High (depending on underlying components)
Device AccessLimited access to device and APIsFull accessLimited to full access (using plugins)
Development CycleShortExtended (due to separate codebase)Faster than native development cycle
Frameworks UsedRuby on Rails, Django,Java & Kotlin (Android); Swift & Objective-C (iOS)PhoneGap, Ionic, React Native
Cost of DevelopmentLow to MediumHighModerately priced
User InterfaceResponsive & consistent UIPlatform-specific UICombined UI elements of web & native
Ease of MaintenanceEasyComplexRelatively Easy
Popular ExamplesGitHub, Shopify, etc. (web versions)Pokémon Go, Uber, WhatsApp, etc. (iOS version)App Store, Airbnb, etc. (using React Native or Xamarin)

Hence, before choosing the best app development methodology for your project, consider these factors –

  • use cases
  • app complexity
  • target audience
  • time to market
  • development resources
  • budget constraints
  • feature optimizations
  • ongoing upgrades and maintenance, etc.

Most Fortune 500 companies in 2024 choose a combination of native, web, and hybrid apps to maximize their customer reach.

Final Thoughts: –

If app performance, simplicity, and maintainability is your jam, then pick the best Hybrid app development company to ensure the same!

150+ global brands trust our expertise and cutting-edge tools to ensure a seamless and cost-effective app development project.

From industry leaders to ambitious newcomers, our tech consultants bring the right tools and technologies to help brands thrive!We offer comprehensive support for every stage of your app development cycle – from coding environments and testing to deployment and post-launch. So why wait?Choose our native app development services and build your first full-stack mobile app in days!

Written by

Erik Lopez

Hi, I am Erik Lopez: Tech blogger, exploring the cutting-edge world of technology. Passionate about unraveling the latest innovations in a concise and engaging way.